Venus began her retrograde journey on December 19 2021 at 30 degrees Sagittarius in the 'True Live Time Sky'. As she began to venture backwards in our skies she was in conjunction to Pluto and in Trine to the North Node and the Goddess Ceres. In general Venus in Retrograde can tend to be a little bit self sabotaging when it comes to relationships. In Sagittarius it can be an insatiable search for our highest ideals, sampling many different pleasures along the way, while never truly committing to any one of them. This insatiable search normally stems from a deep need to experience everything that life has to offer.
In conjunction to Pluto, there is a deep knowing that things can't go on the way they are, circumstances normally beyond our control cause a tipping point where sudden and painful endings either in the present, or from the past, surface, or resurface. So through this particular Venus retrograde process, many of us have been able to get to the bottom of the restless nervous energy that has been brewing for a very long time, sometimes due to our being ignorant of the underlying cause.
Both Venus and Pluto were also in Trine to the Goddess Ceres and the North Node, which showed that self realisation and a realisation of what truly makes us happy came to light. Or somehow, exposed itself to us as a collective as well as individually. We came to terms with how we may have took things for granted in the past, or where we were taken for granted by another, or others. This has been an intense time of facing up to the reality of life or whatever situation we had found ourselves in. This has been beneficial for those that listened carefully to their inner voice, their inner wisdom, or those who allowed themselves to sift through the cobwebby recesses of their minds, or their memories. On a collective level, many have reached a much higher level of understanding and seeing beyond the man-made veil, of confusion or hear say.
This has also been a very spiritual and magical time when it comes to divine connections for some, with others, or their own self awareness, or even the Divine Essence, itself, the creator of all, which goes way beyond the man-made rules and regulations and the irony of human behaviour across the board.
On January 29 2022, Venus will turn Direct at 14 degrees in Sagittarius. As she turns direct she will be forming a T.square towards Chiron the Wounded Healer who is currently at 17 degrees Pisces. in opposition to Venus is the Black Moon Lilith at 15 degrees Gemini. This particular retrograde journey has not been an easy ride for many as we have been forced to face things, or experience things, in our lives, that have left some very deep wounds. For some it has been a lonely time, or a time of isolation. For others, it has been a deep reflection on the past regarding abandonment issues, or where we have been rejected, neglected, or even abused in some form or way, globally, collectively and/or individually.
Pluto has been very active through Venus's Retrograde through Sagittarius, first in conjunction with Venus as she turned Retrograde, then in conjunction with our Sun who recently crossed over Pluto around the last Full Moon; and at the time of Venus turning direct, Pluto will be in conjunction to both the Goddess Juno and Mercury who will still be in retrograde as Venus turns direct . Although for most of us it has been an extremely profound and intense time, overall it has been a time of transformation and spiritual enlightenment. A rebirth of hope, strength and courage.
Peace & Much Love <3

i thought that Black Moon Lilith is still in Taurus