Greetings Kindred
I hope you are all doing well and coping with these intense mind consuming energies that are playing out in our skies at present. Focus particularly is a challenge for us to maintain. Mercury Retrograde is always an intense time when it comes to misunderstandings in our communications, so it is not a good time to engage in contracts or promises, to buy electrical or mechanical equipment.
We will witness some chaotic times when it comes to our economy and new concepts being brought in by those in authority, however, we must keep the faith, stay confident and authentic in our paths forward.
Mercury will enter into Pre-Shadow July 17 2024 at 5:00 GMT London at 3 degrees Leo. Mercury will enter into full Retrograde August 5 2024 at 5:57 GMT London at 15 degrees Leo. Mercury Retrograde will end and the Post Shadow will begin August 28 2024 at 22:15 GMT London at 3 degrees in Leo. The Post Shadow will end September 9 2024 at 0:45 GMT London at 15 degrees Leo.
Peace & Much Love
Kim <3

As Mercury enters his pre-shadow phase, he will be at 3 degrees Leo. This initial phase of the retrograde process is the most comfortable for Mercury, as he is in his element but can become overly forceful in pushing his perception of events. Enacting things too quickly will be his downfall as he progresses into the retrograde and post-shadow phases. Also 3 is the number of Jupiter who is also quick on expansion and exaggeration.
Mercury starts his pre-shadow in a trine with Chiron and a square with the Sun, which hampers his ability to express himself in a controlled or disciplined manner. His emotional responses stem from unconscious desires and old wounds that remain unhealed, exacerbated by a T-Square aspect involving Mars and Uranus opposing Pallas and both squaring Mercury in pre-shadow. This significant aspect indicates mental overload and impulsivity, leading to an argumentative attitude and irritability, with a tendency to jump to conclusions. It warns against self-sabotage, although standing up for one's rights or beliefs is crucial in the Mars-Pallas opposition. This T-square also suggests impractical ideas based on snap judgments and acting without thorough consideration, although overthinking can also be a concern.
Another T-square on this day involves the Moon's Nodes, which are always in opposition, forming a T-square with both Pallas and Ceres. There is a strong sense of purpose and wisdom, but this T-square predicts complacency and a struggle when it comes to stepping outside of our comfort zones.
The standout aspect of the day is the Grand Aspect, the Yod. This Yod is formed by Jupiter in sextile with Vesta, which on its own fosters dedication to a cause and can uplift others, especially regarding philosophical views and discussions. This aspect can expand the mind. However, the quincunxes that lead off this sextile create a Yod aimed at Ceres, again suggesting people being pushed outside their comfort zones. This can be more than uncomfortable, as it is quite extreme and intellectually focused rather than emotional. It also overlooks the need for responsibility and a slower pace. Yods are very triggering aspects that move quickly, so if we are pushed into things too fast, we need to step back and reflect on the outcomes.
Amidst these intense aspects, we also have Black Moon Lilith in conjunction with Juno. This conjunction has been ongoing for some time now, although not continuously, as Black Moon Lilith fluctuates rapidly. With this aspect, there is a need to re-evaluate our commitments on a deeper level, as we might find ourselves committed to things or people that lack truth and honesty, or turn out to be completely different from what we initially perceived.
Additionally, both Black Moon Lilith and Juno are in opposition to Neptune. Juno in opposition to Neptune is a highly sensitive and emotional aspect, where our judgments may be skewed, leading us to commit to ideals rather than practicalities. This aspect tends to foster unrealistic dreams, and alongside the opposition between Neptune and Black Moon Lilith, it creates confusion about the realities of life. It often feels like we don't quite fit in and can become lost in our own little worlds. Bringing our plans or ideas into the material realm is often thwarted, as we tend to build castles in the sky.

As Mercury enters into full retrograde, he will be at 15 degrees in Leo. In numerology, 15 is associated with the repercussions of past misdeeds, particularly concerning the abuse of power; what one sows, one must reap. This karmic number seeks justice for wrongdoings, not in a court of law, but through universal law.
In this phase, Mercury begins to lose his power due to his dominance and enforcement of ideas. However, in conjunction with Venus, there is an enhanced understanding of relationships on all levels—energetic and physical connections are easily absorbed, particularly the relationship between mathematics and science. Despite this, the retrograde's focus on dominance or self-importance can also emit an energy of fickleness.
On this day, another Yod is present, with Neptune in sextile to Pluto, a long-term aspect making it generational. This aspect signifies karmic outcomes from past actions on a global scale, bringing societal changes that have been building for years. Whether these changes are utopian or dystopian, they promote significant spiritual growth and transformation.
Both Neptune and Pluto are in quincunx to Venus, representing finances and relationships. This configuration emits an energy of misunderstandings based on ideals rather than facts, as our perceptions are out of sync with reality. It generates a fear of disappointment, hindering our ability to listen to intuition and instincts. There is a great need for many to reclaim their self-power and understand that our fate or destiny is defined by our own perspective, not the status quo.
Additionally, there is another T-square with Uranus in opposition to Pallas. This time, Mars and Mercury have moved on, and Vesta is now at the brunt of this T-square. This aspect focuses on burnout, where we may lack the energy and dedication needed to overcome obstacles, possibly due to a lack of self-confidence or tendencies toward self-sabotage. Regardless of confidence levels, this aspect affects our ability to focus and maintain consistency in our endeavors. Balancing our hearts and minds is crucial, achieved by listening to our inner voice and following our own guidance for well-being.
It is well-known that during Mercury retrograde, we should avoid initiating new ventures, such as entering contracts or buying electrical or mechanical equipment. Mercury retrograde is a time for fixing what is broken, repairing, reorganising, and reflecting. This is especially relevant as Black Moon Lilith will be at 13 degrees Virgo on this day, conjunct the South Node. This conjunction also holds a karmic influence; the shadow energy of Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is about the fear of failure and self-sabotage. In conjunction with the South Node, it makes it harder to recognise our downfalls, inhibiting our evolution. Therefore, it is crucial to correct wrongs before humanity can move forward collectively and globally in a constructive and decisive way.

As Mercury concludes its retrograde phase and enters the post-shadow period, it returns to the T-square involving Uranus and Pallas in opposition. While Mars is no longer part of this configuration, slightly reducing the intensity, the aspect still indicates impractical ideas and a tendency to jump to conclusions, leading to hasty actions without proper consideration. On the positive side, Mercury will be in sextile to both Mars and Jupiter, providing the ability to see things as they are, provided we remain emotionally connected and stable in our intentions. These sextiles offer renewed energy and productivity. They represent opportunities rather than guaranteed outcomes, so if we have followed our instincts practically, we might start seeing progress.
Additionally, a Kite aspect is present on this day, indicating a mix of ups and downs, where we may be swept along with the wind. This is an Earth Kite, which is more grounded than the Air Kites discussed in July. The body of the Kite involves Venus, Uranus, and Pluto. Uranus and Pluto bring transformative energy, especially in science and occult practices, with sudden changes occurring under pressure. Venus contributes powerful connections based on unconditional love and a positive mindset, fostering breakthroughs and positive outcomes despite potential challenges. Her connection with Uranus ensures an entertaining time where soul connections can form creatively.
At the top of the Kite, Neptune is in sextile to both Uranus and Pluto, adding generational power to this formation. The Neptune-Pluto sextile is linked to world karma, while the recently effective Uranus-Neptune sextile supports the expansion of human consciousness, particularly regarding ideals and spiritual values. Consequently, the entertainment industry may face further scrutiny, while soul connections strengthen to support each other through enforced changes. However, some may remain unaware of the broader picture and the reality of their circumstances.
Another T-square on this day involves Black Moon Lilith in opposition to Saturn, currently retrograding through Aquarius. This opposition creates obstacles in structure and discipline, leading to self-sabotage as individuals berate themselves for past actions. With both Black Moon Lilith and Saturn retrograde in square to Jupiter, we may feel particularly unlucky in business or financial matters, experiencing a lack of opportunity or misfortune. This T-square can generate feelings of sadness, depression, and oppression, particularly concerning our freedom.
During this period, it is crucial to maintain an open mind, regardless of how difficult things become. While easier said than done, remember that this time is about perceptions. We must work on our self-power and unite with like-minded individuals for support and courage to navigate this intense period.

As Mercury completely exits his retrograde process, he comes into conjunction with Vesta. This aspect can still lead us to be overly introspective, but given the retrograde's theme of mental preoccupation and lack of energy, it may simply be a time for recovery. This is especially pertinent after the intense Lions Gate Portal in August, which has been particularly powerful since 2019. The conjunction signifies a renewed ability to express ourselves with greater clarity and the dedication needed to reflect on or research our passions, though we might still struggle with absentmindedness.
The T-square with Uranus and Pallas in opposition, both in square to Mercury, is still active, indicating a continued tendency toward impulsiveness and rash judgments.
On this day, there is also a Grand Cross involving the Moon, the Moon's Nodes, Mars, Neptune, Ceres, and Juno. This Grand Cross suggests that the issues enforced during the Mercury retrograde are still in play. Many are trying to adapt to these sudden and dynamic changes, with the initial shock wearing off and the reality bringing frustration and additional challenges. Relationships—whether intimate, social, or political—are intense during this time. We've witnessed significant unrest over the past few years, and many are feeling burnt out from relentless struggles, while others remain oblivious to the reality.
The Black Moon Lilith is conjunct Venus and in opposition to Chiron on this day. These aspects highlight deep wounds and the breakdown of relationships, whether intimate or financial, supporting the Grand Cross's effects. However, because Black Moon Lilith is in conjunction with Venus rather than opposing her, the impact is somewhat less severe. Nevertheless, the opposition to Chiron is deeply and psychologically challenging, requiring us to watch out for dark thoughts.
Empathic individuals need to re-evaluate their boundaries or make necessary adjustments. Issues with addiction might arise, as Neptune squares Mars, and Mars squares the Moon's Nodes. We must be vigilant against dishonesty, deceit, or treachery during this Grand Cross period. It's essential to maintain a strong sense of self amid the chaos, keeping our minds and hearts open while establishing firm boundaries. Building confidence and self-esteem is crucial, as is staying in touch with reality. We must strive to be authentic, follow what resonates with us on a deep soul level, trust our instincts, and be wary of those who might exploit our good nature.
Thank you so much SiStar!!! 🙏🏿💛 ⛎