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full moon - february 16/17 2022

Greetings Kindred,

I have written an article for this Full Moon instead of doing my usual video/podcast. I'm a little bit laid up at the moment with a sprained ankle after a fall just after the New Moon earlier on in the month. But I am absolutely fine and luckily no broken bones! So, it's been a crazy few weeks for me personally as my car also broke down. But is now fixed fortunately :) so it does go to show that Mercury's Post Shadow is just as strong as his Retrograde! Plus I have just come out of a very slow and sluggish Saturn return straight into a Jupiter Return which is much faster paced and the switch between the two has been fairly disruptive..... Anyway lets get on with this Full Moon's message...

The Full Moon will reach its peak in Leo in the 'True Live Time Sky' on February 16 at 16:56 in the GMT time zone, at 11:56 in the EDT time zone and on February 17th at 3:56 in the AEDT time zone.

As our Full Moon reaches it's peak it will be forming a Grand Cross with our Sun who has just transited into Aquarius and the Moon's Nodes, this is very significant in the respect that there is a shift occurring within the psychological and emotional behaviour of the collective and global movements, especially since our Sun has just transited into the Sign of Aquarius and is a 0 degrees. The Leo Moon can often be accused of being unauthentic and does tend to wear his heart on sleeve. Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration, is that the Sign of Leo actually rules the 6th House of Health and Service. So with our Sun in Aquarius who is the True ruler of the 13th House of the hidden and institutions (especially psychological institutions) and Leo the ruler of the 6th House of Health and Service, it's likely that the shift will occur within these areas. The Nodes of course in a personal chart shows our karmic cycles and what we must achieve before we leave this Earth. But on a collective level the Nodes represent our societies and current trends. The status quo is shifting collectively. Things have started to lighten up a bit for most of our global communities, but the feeling hasn't, psychologically we may still feel on edge as we wonder, 'what will come next!'

I had a sneak peak at the New Moon's Chart Wheel which will occur on March 2nd in the Sign of Aquarius and it seems that there may be some kind of announcement that will stir up a lot of anguish, either around our freedom's or supplies. But what I do see is that many will be leaving behind the rut of fear, the confusion is wittering out as the communities at large will want more transparency and factual proof. I feel there may be some kind of kick off at the New Moon in March. But it can also represent a natural disaster connected to fire, maybe more volcanic activity or earthquakes. Whatever it is it will create quite a stir.

But back to this Full Moon. Apart from this very strong Grand Cross, we also still have the ongoing Stellium, which originally occurred in the Sign of Sagittarius. On Valentines Day the Stellium split in half, which showed that relationships that were meant to be, have come together, although there are still issues of dominance or stubbornness that still need to be worked on, but the dedication is there to sort through these dynamics as the goddess Vesta is conjunct both Venus and Mars. The other half of the Stellium between Mercury, Pluto and the Goddess Juno has shifted as Mercury and the Goddess Juno have moved into the Sign of Capricorn, which shows that those relationships that have finally had closure are now moving into a more self focused setting. Letting go is never easy and disappointments may still be a little bit of a sore point, but moving forward empowered by the knowledge that there is something on the horizon that would be much more beneficial should soften the blow. With Pluto in Quincunx Aspect to our Moon,it does show that obsessiveness can lead to a lack of objectivity, we must broaden our horizon's and accept our current situations so that we can find solutions to formulate a plan for better times ahead.

The Uranian energy is becoming very strong as we venture deeper into 2022, especially since Uranus and Jupiter will be forming a Sextile which reaches it's peak on February 18th. Our Sun who has now entered into the Sign of Aquarius will be supporting this Sextile aspect and it looks like finally, the world is ready to embrace truth and change. But not every single body! Patience will be needed for those who are still struggling to get their head around things. We are now coming into a time where self confidence and integrity will be the only tools we need to navigate through the next few years and the Planetary energies that are coming in are lightening the load for many, although, conflict and division will still be a theme. We must move forward with self faith, unconditional love and realistic expectations, we must not succumb to the frustration or disruptions that are designed to make us look like the evil doers! We must stay in our self power, hold onto our divine strength and stay connected to nature and all things organic. Deep breathing techniques, positive daily affirmations and meditations will still be very powerful healing tools. But getting out in nature will be very grounding as the Element of Air becomes the ruling Element.

Keep the Faith <3

Peace & Much Love


1 Comment

Unknown member
Mar 01, 2022

Sending love and much peace sis💗

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